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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Automate Public Folder Permissions Backup via PFDAVAdmin

PFDAVAdmin has been around for sometime now but its command line options are not well known and nor well documented.

Navigate to the PFDAVAdmin executable from the command shell and execute PFDAVAdmin /?, Look closely and you will notice some caveats, the export
example does not list the -f option (listed in usage) and the typo in scope TopLevePF.

Example1: Backup permissions of Public Folder\Test\abc

Public Folder Server Name - MBX1
Username - pf_service
Password - @#WER56
Domain - XYZ

PFDAVAdmin -export -permissions ntaccount -s MBX1 -scope "Public Folders\Test\abc" -user pf_service -password @#WER56 -domain XYZ -f C:\PFDAVAdmin\abc.txt

Note that the domain switch is necessary, domain\user format does not
parse well with pfdavadmin.

Now lets automate the above command via windows scheduled task, quick note
on the account via which the scheduled task is executed, this account requires execute rights on c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe and should be a memeber of the local administrators group, If not then the scheduled task will error out,another workaround is domain admins membership to this service account, depending on your organizations security policies this may not be available.

to be contd..

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